
From Mr. Kanes' Desk - November 2013

From Mr. Kanes

November 3, 2013

Dear Friends:

From a child's first day in the preschool classroom, to the time his or her name is called on the evening of graduation, a student at St. Thomas the Apostle School experiences the promise of each day with an enthusiasm for learning, respect for self, and a relationship with the world through Jesus Christ.

A day, a week, a month, a year...filled with the joy of knowing that we are a part of something larger than ourselves. We learn that we are connected to one another through the love of God. Our students' lives take on meaning as they discover their gifts and share them with others.

As teachers of the faith, we strive to let our children know:

As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

I Peter 4:10

This faith and view of the world gives us a clear Christian perspective and direction for our lives. All children have been given certain gifts and talents that are meant to help fulfill God's plan for all of us. Our mission is to help each child develop these gifts and offer them opportunities to share them.

A Catholic school perspective of life's learning is not revealed in a test score, but rather the love one shares with another.

We are all called to do our best for God's glory. And that means just what it says. Each of our "best" is different by design. No two of us are alike, and that is a beautiful reality. We need each other.

As our children grow and learn, their relationship with God, through His son Jesus Christ, is the foundation upon which they will stand. At St. Thomas the Apostle, we recognize the beautiful and wonderful gift that is a child. As teachers, we are called to be stewards of these gifts, making sure they are nurtured and cared for, so that as they grow, they find their place in God's grace.

St. Thomas is a wonderful place to see God's plan in action.

May God bless and keep you always,

Thomas J. Kane

